Monday, July 25, 2011

My baby girl turned 3 today!!!!

:::SIGH::: Yes, sad but true. My little girl is officially preschool age! I feel so many different emotions today. Happiness and a sense of sadness that I no longer have "babies" or "toddlers" I now have "children".

3 short years ago I was in the hospital and on my 3rd night of induction. I felt as though she was never going to make her entrance to the world. I'd been admitted on a tuesday (July 22nd, 2008)  and here we were it was thursday evening and I had been told that I'd still not had enough progress to be in active labor. That was around 5 p.m. on 7/24/08. Around 7:15 that evening my doc was making rounds as she was on call that night. She came in and checked me and said that she didn't think I'd made enough progress. That she'd check again later....on second thought right thing you know she induced my labor even further by breaking my water. That's when I knew sh!t was getting serious. LOL! By 9:45 I was BEGGING for my epidural. Around 11 p.m. is when they finally got the on call Anesthesiologist in to give it to me. This is when the fun really begins.

So basically when I was a kid I had a childhood epilepsy disorder. But I still have to mark it down on my medical records. So when the anesthesiologist came in and found this out it made him a tad bit nervous. Apparently if they got any local anesthetic in my epidural space it could cause an epileptic seizure right then, right there. He puts my epidural in and only my left leg goes they have to do it all over again and in the process my i.v. infiltrates. Swelling my hand to 5x the size it normally is....

I got my epidural finished around midnight and dozed off to sleep for a few hours. Only to wake up around 2 a.m. to tell my husband to get the nurse, that little Mariyah was making her way into the world at last!

At 2:33 a.m. 7/25/08 Mariyah Rose Hensevelt was born, weighing in at 6lbs 15.5 oz and 19 inches long! We were instantly smitten with our "little peanut peanut" as we called her. She was born 20 years to the date that my grandpa Teubner had passed away and it was also the 4th anniversary of when Brent and I had first started dating.

Now she's a 3 year old...sleeping soundly right next to me...I just cannot believe it! Oh well we've had an exciting day so I must hit the hay! Hope this finds you all well!

Katy =D

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